Orders are typically collected in-call electronically, then transmitted in real time to our Head Office and processed immediately. Within pharmacy our orders are forwarded to the wholesalers by EDI.

Our entire sales team are connected through Vodafone One Net where calls into our Head Office can be seamlessly transferred to personnel in the field.

Call coverage efficiencies

  • The business has recently developed a new catalogue ordering application to streamline the sales presentation and ordering process with the flexible interface of iPad.
  • This new system has improved productivity by rapidly and accurately processing orders using an intuitive product search feature with luminous and impactful product images creating a professional impression.
  • The system also increases call coverage efficiencies with its diary and journey planning facility and its unique ‘pantry’ list feature which lists SKU’s previously ordered by the customer to ensure out of stock items are always reordered.

Customer meetings are supported by Pixsell®

The iPad branded sales ordering app. It’s a dynamic system that presents products, detailed sales aids, plays videos and places orders; whilst having access to customer details and order history, even offline.

Every order is collected electronically, often transmitted in real time to our Head Office and processed immediately. Pharmacy orders are forwarded to the wholesalers by EDI (Alliance, AAH and Enterprise) or e-mailed.

Our entire sales team are connected through Vodafone One-Net where Customer calls into our Head Office can be seamlessly transferred to personnel in the field, so we never miss a call.

Reporting & Accountability

A considerable investment in IT systems means that our clients receive excellent management reporting relevant to their business. Our operation is fully committed to producing transparent, comprehensive information in a precise and timely manner.

Every client knows what we are doing for them all of the time… we are fully accountable.

The detail generated by our sophisticated information system allows us to:

Identify and monitor trends

Provide an effective planning tool

Continually monitor data to assess our performance and productivity levels

Re-direct focus where necessary